Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Education Revolution Why the No Child Left Behind Act...
Education is the foundation of American society. It empowers the youth of America to become the successful leaders this country needs for the future. Education has been one of America’s top priorities since 1965, when the Elementary and Secondary Education Act was passed. Now, education is controlled by the No Child Left Behind Act, which was launched in January 8, 2002. This act was passed with intentions from the government to provide Americans with a more superior education system. However, The No Child Left Behind Act carried many flaws which were left unseen to a vast majority of the public. This act limited American students by not allowing them to demonstrate their full academic potentials while proceeding in school. While the†¦show more content†¦This act got so many new families and supporting citizens on their side due to the way they reached out to different parts of the United States that they were able to establish a separate organization just for pare nts of students. The Parent Teacher Association group was made to further allow the guardians of students to be involved with their educations and the way they were run. This act differed from the No Child Left Behind Act because it did not set any sort of standard of education that schools had to meet. Although the Elementary and Secondary Education Act significantly aided the underprivileged students in America, there was no accountability on educators to keep up with a student’s progress along the way. Laws stated it was mandatory for teachers and schools to report every student’s test scores, but that was not the case. No responsibility was held on the school for the students who did poorly, and the law to report scores was rarely enforced. The problem with the way this system was run, was that it allowed the schools with more money to perform better because they had the extra resources to do so. The underprivileged schools were less motivated with fewer tools to work with, which put them at a lower level. When the education is different because of the area you live in, society is then held back by certain citizens not being as educated or successful as those in other areas. The two different levels of education do not go in sync with eachShow MoreRelated French Revolution Inspired Les Miserables2833 Words  | 11 Pagesâ€Å"If the soul is left in darkness, sins will be committed. The guilty one is not the one who commits the sin, but the one who creates the darkness†(Hugo 22). This quote was taken from Les Miserables describing the French Revolution. The â€Å"darkness†represents the authoritative figures that have the power to rule others. They create misery and pain that leads good people into doing bad things. The French Revolution was a major turning point in French history. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Religion and Individualism - 3105 Words
Lilit Markosyan Different countries have different cultures, traditions and values. They represent the image of the nation, people’s mentality, how they think and behave, and what they strive for and struggle for. With the help of them we judge of what is important in life of a person, of a nation, of a country. America is not an exception. Despite the great number of various ethnic groups that inhabit United States, there are things that unite all the people. Among them are such values like freedom and independence that entirely characterize America. The American founding fathers felt that this concept was of utmost importance when they were deciding what the United States Of America would be and how it would function. In the second†¦show more content†¦The prayers of both could not be answered; that of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has His own purposes.†He insisted that there were no unbridgeable differences. Both were God fearing people and worked hard. He went on to describe the strange fact that both sides pray to the same God for a successful resolution and improvement of each of their ideals. Both could not win. It was providence that willed that slavery should be abolished and in his speech, which was almost like a prayer, he hoped to calm both. Lincoln suggested that the cause of the war was the North and the Souths common sin of slavery. He continued, Fondly do we hope - fervently do we pray - that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond-mans 250 years of unrequited toil shall be sunk and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, so as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. He uses religious imagery to enlist the belief that God is against slavery. Lincoln placed the outcome of the war into the hands of God to whom all seemed to be praying, saying that whatever Gods desire on these issues would be, that would decide the fate. He said that if it is Gods will that the war should continue until all funds beShow MoreRelatedThe Puritan Views Of Puritans860 Words  | 4 PagesThe Puritans led their lives accor ding to a strict moral code, centered around religion, which they had followed and conformed to. In addition conformity, Puritans believed, was crucial to uniting the community, and therefore resulted in anti-individualistic beliefs. However, when they deviated from the religious code they were threatened with banishment from the community and often experienced public shaming. Also the Puritans, whom had come to the colonies seeking religious freedom for themselvesRead MoreIndividualism And Secularism In The Renaissance867 Words  | 4 PagesIndividualism and Secularism were ideas that were introduced in the Renaissance and became fairly popular with the citizens who had experienced this time period. Secularism and Individualism though separate terms have a lot in common. They both have to do with separation of church from daily life. Secularism separating the government, and individualism pushing people to look less at what the Bible said and more at what was relative to thei r day to day lives. The emphasis on these two ideas duringRead MoreEssay on Western Civilization1179 Words  | 5 Pagesthis course in terms of progress, they will be religion, humanism, individualism and secularism. I will discuss these concepts within the countries of England, France, and Russia, and show my point of view on each. 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This growth of despotism would be created by citizens becoming too individualistic, and therefore not bothering to fulfill their civicRead MoreA Portrait Of An Artist1522 Words  | 7 PagesIn James Joyce’s novel A Portrait of an Artist, he exe mplifies the impact of religion and a lost identity within his character, Stephen Dedalus’ life through heresy, sin, epiphany and redemption. Stephen goes through various changes throughout the novel in order decipher his identity through his Catholic religion. Stephen’s religion influences him to become someone he is not by the strict conformity of his parents, the catholic church and the priests. The arduous combat Stephen comes to face is whetherRead MoreA Brief Note On Western Culture And Individualism1107 Words  | 5 PagesHistorical Framework: Individualism means that they are solely depending on that individual person (Ayn, 1). There is no â€Å"we†in the way that an individualist person would think (Culturematters.com). Western culture and individualism is derived from knowledge and emphasis on the individual person. Western culture is open to anyone in any race, cultural background, age, and gender. Therefore, history has changed itself throughout the years when it comes to the way we think. If you refer back toRead MoreEssay on American Culture: Individualism1091 Words  | 5 PagesHollywood and Disney World. Underneath the layers of TV advertising and hyper-consumerism, there is a cultural DNA that makes America what it is. Here is a brief look at several cultural â€Å"genes†that influence the way Americans think and act. Individualism Individualism is a way of life by which a person places his or her own desires, needs, and comforts above the needs of a broader community. This does not mean that Americans have no concern for other people, but it does mean that they give high priorityRead MoreCritical Analysis of Alex de Tocquevilles Democracy in America1366 Words  | 6 Pagesdownfall of democracy. Throughout his travels he noticed that private interest and personal gain motivated the actions of most Americans. He believed this cultivated a new concept, the concept of individualism. He believed this individualism was one of the greatest threats to democracy. He believed individualism would eventually sap the virtue of public life and create a despotism of selfishness. This growth of selfishness would be facilitated by citizens becoming too individualistic. They would, thereforeRead MoreHabits of the Heart793 Words  | 4 Pagesa culture. The first tradition is the biblical tradition followed by the re publican tradition , the utilitarian individualism and expressive individualism. All four of these traditions combine to make up the culture in which everyone in the world lives. My ideal culture would consist of 40% of the republican tradition, 30% of utilitarian individualism, 25% of expressive individualism, and 5% of the biblical tradition. I believe that if each of these traditions is given the proportions I listedRead MoreThe Renaissance Prince Essay853 Words  | 4 Pagescontrolling the land, although the church would still have a hand in government. It would no longer shun the vast stores of knowledge created in the past and ignored for a thousand years, although opponents would remain. The ideas of humanism, individualism, and secularism would come to play a role in society as they had in the past. Niccolo Machiavelli lived in a time when the Renaissance was at its peak, and, as a part of it, manifested its ideas in his works. His most famous piece, The Prince
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Hunger Games Review Free Essays
Action packed adventures, intense, love triangles, suspenseful twists of the plot, and witty remarks are all thrown across the pages of a book titled â€Å"The Hunger Games†by Suzanne Collins. The book was looked upon by many teenagers as if it was a sacred treasure meant to be read by a select few. I was driven by both madness and curiosity to uncover how such a book would deserve this much attention. We will write a custom essay sample on Hunger Games Review or any similar topic only for you Order Now To my surprise, â€Å"The Hunger Games†demonstrated a well thought plot, conflicting love, triangle and intense life or death matters. The story is set in the post, apocalyptic country of Panem, where America once stood. The country is divided into 12 districts and ruled by a dictating government known as the Capitol. The heroine, 16 year old Katniss Everdeen lives in the Seam, located in the poorest region; District 12. At one point, there was a District 13, but it was consequently destroyed for leading a war against the Capitol. The rest of the districts gave up easily and were forced to follow the cynical Capitol, avoiding the same fate as District 13. Accompanied by Katniss is heartthrob Gale Hawthorne; the leading lady’s best friend. Gale and Katniss have been hunting together at the woods near the outlying district. They’re content using the animals they’ve caught for food for their family or for a trade of money. Suddenly, everything for Katniss changes when she is faced with the decision to take the place of her sister at the Annual Hunger Games; a brutal, televised event that pits 24 teenagers from the ages of 12 to 17 to fight until there is one standing. One boy and girl are picked from each district and are orced to participate as tributes. This is the punishment that all districts must go through. It’s the Capitol’s way of reminding the nation once more that they are in charge and can send children off to combat without anyone’s say in it. Katniss’s decision to join the games leaves her accompanied by an old flame, Peeta Melark; the baker’s son. The way Collins devel oped each character thoroughly with distinct differences leads you to ponder which of the two, Peeta or Gale, is right for Katniss. Both Katniss and Peeta took notice of each other from afar and are connected by a single moment. On a rainy day at the Seam, Katniss is faced with little to no money and doesn’t have any food to offer to her family. She sits hunched over outside the bakery until Peeta walks up to her and offers her bread from his bakery. From that moment on, Peeta is nicknamed the boy with the bread. This act of kindness sets him off as frail and kind; unlike Gale, who is seen as tough and aggressive. By increasing her chance of survival, Katniss and Peeta are publicly announced as star crossed lovers and must defend each other in the arena. All the while, it is evident that Gale has feelings for her yet he must watch the girl he loves the most fall into the arms of someone else. Katniss is torn between the boy she left back home to the boy with the bread. Throughout the book, her thoughts and feelings often clash with one another and she has been reluctant to go to both Peeta and Gale. The games are held at a remote arena filled with many surprises. Katniss is doing whatever it takes to survive the unknown. She somewhat acts like a babysitter to Peeta by protecting him from every little thing. What surprised me the most was just how easily she was willing to kill children for the sake of her life. At this point, she has been made a pawn by the Capitol, and the Capitol is winning. She makes friends, and loses friends. The weather is constantly changing and the tributes slowly start to die off. Katniss must also battle with other tributes for the limited amount of food and water supply left. It is very startling to even imagine myself in her position. Everyone there wants to survive yet not everyone is even lucky enough to get through the first day. The seemingly endless battle drove me insane! I can’t imagine how hard it would be to go to sleep with the thought of not making it out alive the next day. The heart breaking thing to do is ally with a complete stranger. Katniss has been faced with many and must make a choice as the number of survivors left start thinning down. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in a thought provoking story line, romance, and life or death situations. This book will keep you up at night even after finishing it. This fast paced story will keep you reading with excitement. Sources http://www.thehungergames.co.uk/ How to cite Hunger Games Review, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Balance between Conformity and Resistance Essay Example For Students
Balance between Conformity and Resistance Essay Balance between Conformity and ResistanceAccording to Leon Mann, conformity means yielding to group pressures. Everyone is a a member of one group or another and everyone expects members of these groups tobehave in certain ways. Fear of humiliation can lead to conformity. People agree with others because they fear being ridiculed, or being isolated from the society. They fear the idea of not being a part of the whole. Society tries to place many regulations on us as individuals as to what is admissible and what is not. We must decide for ourselves whether to conform or not to specific rules and regulation. Conformity is an important aspect of life in our society and allows us to live a free life without the pressure of being different and being an outsider. We have to obey rules to havethe good and desirable life we are hoping to achieve. If we did not pay taxes, we would nothave schools and the education to make a good paycheck for a desirable living. Wewould not have all the comforts that make our life so much more relaxed and appealing. Ifwe did not have any laws, and everybody did what they think is right, we probably would not be alive anymore. Our whole society would crash and we would have killed each other by now.On the other side, comfort and stability should not stand over the suffering of others or our own misery. Sometimes we have to stand up for others and we shout not ignore our own wishes just to keep the freedom. When I came to the United States, I started working in a factory to make a living. I did not speak much English at that time and some treated me very badly and others ignored me, like I did not even exist. For a while, nobody was there to explain or train me for my job and I messed up a lot, not knowing better. The worst part was that my feelings were very hurt because I could not understand why I was treated that way, not doing anything wrong to anybody there. Just when I was ready to quit my job, because I started getting badly depressed, a lady came up to me asking if I would like to sit next to her at break time. She said she feels awfully bad for me sitting there all by myself and she apologized for her coworkers behavior. I still remember how everybody stared at us in the lunch room but she acted like she did not notice. The same day others came over to me starting a conversation and soon after I was accepted from most. I will never forget how much difference that lady made to me, because she stood up for a total stranger. She showed me the importance of standing up for somebody regardless of others beliefs. Henry David Thoreau claims in his writing He who gives himself entirely to his fellow men appears to them useless and selfish; but he who gives himself partially to them is pronounced a benefactor and philanthropist. (p. 217) In order to be satisfied in our lives we have to make sacrifices. Maybe we are making less money because we cannot conform to a companys rules, but we are certainly more happy not having to obey rules we cannot fully accept. Often we hear people complaining about issues, but mostly they are only complaining to their families and friends. The complainer is not changing his situation with this and stays dissatisfied and makes their listener feel helpless also. My husband, who is at college for four years now, keeps complaining since the beginning from college about the out-of-class groups. Even thoug I always understood his point, he is working full time and do not have the time for it, there was nothing I could do to change it. I only could tell him to go to the school board and let them know about his situation and they may be able to help. I believe that if he is paying for his education he should have a word on how his education is handled. .u13f6afc5b043cc125a117c45401d659f , .u13f6afc5b043cc125a117c45401d659f .postImageUrl , .u13f6afc5b043cc125a117c45401d659f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u13f6afc5b043cc125a117c45401d659f , .u13f6afc5b043cc125a117c45401d659f:hover , .u13f6afc5b043cc125a117c45401d659f:visited , .u13f6afc5b043cc125a117c45401d659f:active { border:0!important; } .u13f6afc5b043cc125a117c45401d659f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u13f6afc5b043cc125a117c45401d659f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u13f6afc5b043cc125a117c45401d659f:active , .u13f6afc5b043cc125a117c45401d659f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u13f6afc5b043cc125a117c45401d659f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u13f6afc5b043cc125a117c45401d659f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u13f6afc5b043cc125a117c45401d659f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u13f6afc5b043cc125a117c45401d659f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u13f6afc5b043cc125a117c45401d659f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u13f6afc5b043cc125a117c45401d659f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u13f6afc5b043cc125a117c45401d659f .u13f6afc5b043cc125a117c45401d659f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u13f6afc5b043cc125a117c45401d659f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: John Deere and Complex Parts Inc. Essay It is so
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