Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Journal Article Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Journal Article Critique - Essay Example The test materials comprised of dried meat soluble product (DMS) and yeast fermentation product (YFP). In all the three experiments, soybean meal (SBM) of 48% CP content served as the control ingredient. Various batches of every by-product were investigated in all the three tests making use of an apparent ME assay for poultry and digestibility assay for the barrows. In experiment 1, the nitrogen-corrected AME (AMEn) for YFP, DMS, and SBM were 3.292, 2.801, and 2.909 kcal, correspondingly. In experiment 2, the AMEn was 3.565, 3.207, and 2.809 kcal, in that order. In experiment 3, the AMEn was 3.552, 2.208, and 3.844 kcal, for SBM, DMS, and YFP, respectively. However, in this third test the diets were formulated such that the test ingredients gave the only source of amino acids in every experimental diet. According to the experimental results, for the ME assay for poultry, the DMS product is comparable to the SBM and appears fit for consumption by non-ruminant species according to thei r poor ability to support nitrogen retention in both species. The article flows logically and succinctly explaining its major talking points. The authors clearly state an explicit thesis and have a specific point of view; to evaluate the nutritional value of two non-traditional by-products for ducks and pigs. The article analyzed the DMS by-product and found out that it was associated with high crude protein as well as gross energy contents. In the same way, the SBM was clearly superior to the DMS. This was evidenced by marked differences in retained energy, digestible and apparent ME, nitrogen retention, biological value, and net protein utilization (Ragland, et al., 1998). The researchers cited the work of Lyons and Vandepopuliere that found the potential use of DMS for animal feeding because they used a similar by product to DMS. This makes the argument compelling

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