Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Black hawk down
Dark falcon down Examination It tends to be contended that Black Hawk Down is exact in the feeling of numbers and measurements. Indeed, two Black Hawk helicopters were destroyed 19 Americans were killed, 84 injured, and an expected 2000 Somalis were killed and much more wounded.Yes the road battling was reasonable, and truly, they were in Mogadishu that day to catch two top lieutenants in Aidids government, and in this manner from a military perspective, was an effective mission.But the film neglects to retell the complexities of why the Americans are there in any case. It is more an apparatus of American Hollywood publicity than an exact record of the Battle of Mogadishu. In Black Hawk Down the American troopers are appeared in an excessively courageous manner. Most likely these men were exceptionally fearless attempting to get by with the chances so extraordinarily against them. Be that as it may, the manner in which they are depicted and celebrated is the devoted rubbish one can anticipate from Hollywood. These fighters are portrays without issues, and they can't take the blame no matter what. They are the perfect family men who continually care for each other. Any realities that may negate this, similar to their commitment to the Somali loss of life before the fight (6-10,000 setbacks in the late spring of 1993 alone, 66% ladies and youngsters) is helpfully forgotten about. Their lone deficiency is the appalling way the strategic dealt with however there is no reprimand put on them for that in the movie.â â â â The Battle of Mogadishu was unmistakably not a skirmish of â€Å"good versus awful as most things in life seem to be. Be that as it may, the seeing the manner in which the Somalis are depicted as insidious, savage and thoughtless individuals, unmistakably the film would absolutely like us to feel this was the situation. The American fighters are built up as the friends in need of the Somalis, and it is these warriors who are improperly assaulted. By utilizing sensational camera shots, and clichã ©d Hollywood lines like â€Å"Nobody requests to be a saint, it just now and then turns out that way†help to commute home the subjects of fellowship and comradeship. By graphically demonstrating the injuries and losses of the American warriors, the film brings out compassion and evacuates the fault for the disaster from the troopers. They are depicted as gallant and devoted, yet this depiction is deceiving. The film starts with scenes of starving Somalis near the precarious edge of death or effectively dead; the screen is tinted blue to increase the sentiment of trouble. They all live in frail hovels, and the entire circumstance appears to be urgent youngsters dealing with their withering guardians. A sort â€Å"history†of American contribution is shown on the screen: â€Å"Years of fighting among rival families causes starvation on a scriptural scale†â€Å"Behind a power of 20,000 U.S. Marines, food is conveyed and request is restored.†no notice of the USs past contribution in offering arms to the despots, or assisting with working up faction savagery. The crowd just realizes what they are being told the US troops are the heroes making all the difference, not under any condition having anything to do with causing these monstrosities. Also, after the crowd is loaded with distress for the Somalis, a brilliant picture of US military vehicle carrying food and suppli es to Somalia. We are mitigated that the Somalis are getting the assistance they need, and we are subliminally soothed that the blue tint is no more. So from the earliest starting point of the film we are made to see that the US military is the hero and we as the crowd are in this manner obliged to them. We additionally now have compassion toward the warriors it is this compassion that rules the remainder of the film. Since the storyline of Black Hawk Down is only one major fight scene there are no subplots to engage a more extensive crowd, the subjects of comradeship are over accentuated (generally in a clichã ©d approach) to make it all the more engaging. The slogan of the film is â€Å"leave no man behind†this is rehashed around multiple times in the film, to where we can anticipate when it is coming. Likewise, we are overwhelmed with messages of commitment and solidarity. Lines like â€Å"I think I was prepared to make a difference†and â€Å"Its what you do well now that makes the difference.†These sorts of lines are unquestionably used to stress the respect and comradeship between the troopers, it rather degrades the human collaboration of these characters by decreasing them to clichã ©d explanations of feeling or inspiration. The line â€Å"make a difference†is both abused and vague what do the officers want to have any kind of effect in? This steady reitera tion of such exchange is a show of the movie producers wish to depict the American officers as great and good men. Likewise this effortlessness and consistency of these lines could be planned for us to make a simple definition among great and underhandedness, and legend and lowlife. The American warriors all have their particular characters, and their depiction is made incredibly close to home contrasted with that of the Somalis. We have the â€Å"bad boy†the â€Å"underdog†and the â€Å"rookie†to give some examples, and just to ensure we realize who will be who, the troopers have their names composed on their protective caps (which was not done in actuality). We see that these warriors are individuals like us they sit in front of the TV, play chess and do things any of us would do. Above all else they are given family men. One warrior, in the wake of being cut off I half, in his final words says: â€Å"Tell my young ladies Ill be okay.†And another on his deathbed â€Å"Tell my folks that I battled well today, that I battled hard†even in death he is looking for his familys endorsement. This utilization of the warriors having families makes our experience of these characters a considerably more close to home one.â The Americans just shoot civilian army, not one honest man, ladies or youngster is shot. In any case, we as a whole realize this can't be the situation as in most urban clashes; regular people are nearly the most elevated setbacks. Officers from that day have been cited as saying â€Å"we terminated on swarms and in the end at anybody and anything they saw. In view of these relatives, the terrible and realistic manner by which the American losses are shown just fortifies our compassion toward the situation that the warriors are in the greater part of the violence and blood in the film has a place with Americans, not Somalis a cut off thumb connected distinctly by a string, a white segregated arm that is lifted up off the ground, a stomach punctured by a rocket, a trooper cut off down the middle, are for the most part instances of American setbacks. Along these lines the Americans are depicted as the â€Å"good guys†, while the Somalis as the â€Å"bad guys†who perpetrate these losses. With the â€Å"good guy†built up, it appears to be normal have the inverse the â€Å"bad guy†. Enter the Somalis. Dressed all in dark with shadowed vile appearances, joined by dull techno music they are the embodiment of shrewdness. We can't separate between one Somali and the following, and there are no names given to them. Their activities appear to be spurred by simply the hunger for the blood of white men, Americans specifically. Indeed, even before the battling begins, in the commercial center scenes, the camera doesn't concentrate on one Somali. They have no characters, and their regular daily existences are trivialized. The Somalis are in this way on the outskirts of a film set in Somalia. Indeed, even the additional items don't look like Somalis, yet rather any dark individuals. Another point is that the state army become undefined from the residents of Mogadishu. Despite the fact that the military authorities in the film say that those holding weapons are a piece of the volunteer army. There is another scene when a general says:â€Å"The entire city is going to descend on them.†At this point the differentiation among populace and the volunteer army is lost we know accept that the whole city is occupied with the contention, which we accordingly accept that are totally favored Aidid. In any case, there were reports that a large number of the Somalis were not part of Aidids state army yet rather individuals who thought their homes were enduring an onslaught and were in this way securing their homes. The Somalis are delineated as a pack of out of control creatures growling at fallen officers, taking shots at a cadaver and quick moving hands snatching at the fallen helicopter all pass on an unexplained feeling of antagonistic vibe. Somalis seem like packs of creatures with the utilization of aeronautical camera points indicating amassing bodies. There is nothing of Somali culture in the film, and they are not given a voice. The Americans â€Å"affectionately†allude to the Somalis as â€Å"skinnies†.â We are informed that a great many Somalis were killed, yet every time a Somali is shot, it is perfect, and he (or she) helpfully falls from the camera. There is no blood or carnage like the American wounds. There are no blameless ladies or kids executed, and along these lines Black Hawk Down doesn't let us see the full extent of the obliteration of the a large number of Somali passings. This just takes into account the translation of the Somalis as the â€Å"bad guys†. The US government had been engaged with the creation of Black Hawk Down since it initially began being composed, and the makers had the full co-activity and endorsement of the military in light of the expert American inclination of the film. The maker Jerry Bruckheimer has been cited as saying to the Army bad habit head of staff: â€Å"General, Im heading out to make a film that you and your Army will be pleased of.†The makers were permitted full utilization of military hardware and preparing, just as many real officers for additional items. In any case, the military, to guarantee exactness, checked the recording daily.â Special assignment groups were set up to give the moviemakers explicit military counsel. Helicopters and Humvees were additionally advanced to them.It appears to be fitting that a film embraced by the US military, will have the perspectives on the US military. Also, as anyone might expect has had an overwhelmingly positive reaction from the
Monday, July 13, 2020
How to Practice Active Listening
How to Practice Active Listening Social Anxiety Disorder Coping Print How to Practice Active Listening By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Updated on September 27, 2019 Morsa Images/Taxi/Getty Images More in Social Anxiety Disorder Coping Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment and Therapy Work and School Related Conditions In This Article Table of Contents Expand Features Purpose Benefits Tips Examples Research Distraction and Disinterest View All Back To Top Active listening refers to a pattern of listening that keeps you engaged with your conversation partner in a positive way. It is the process of listening attentively while someone else speaks, paraphrasing and reflecting back what is said, and withholding judgment and advice. When you practice active listening, you make the other person feel heard and valued. In this way, active listening is the foundation for any successful conversation. What Are the Features of Active Listening? Active listening involves more than just hearing someone speak. When you practice active listening, you are fully concentrating on what is being said. You listen with all of your senses and give your full attention to the person speaking. Below are some features of active listening:?? Neutral and nonjudgmentalPatient (periods of silence are not filled)Verbal and nonverbal feedback to show signs of listening (e.g., smiling, eye contact, leaning in, mirroring)Asking questionsReflecting back what is saidAsking for clarificationSummarizing In this way, active listening is the opposite of passive hearing. When you listen actively, you are fully engaged and immersed in what the other person is saying. Much like a therapist listening to a client, you are there to act as a sounding board rather than ready to jump in with your own ideas and opinions about what is being said. The Purpose of Active Listening Active listening serves the purpose of earning the trust of others and helping you to understand their situations. Active listening comprises both a desire to comprehend as well as to offer support and empathy to the speaker. It differs from critical listening, in that you are not evaluating the message of the other person with the goal of offering your own opinion. Rather, the goal is simply for the other person to be heard, and perhaps to solve their own problems. Active listening means not engaging in bad listening habits such as the following: Being stuck in your own headNot showing respect for the speakerOnly hearing superficial meaning (not hearing underlying meaning)InterruptingNot making eye contactRushing the speakerBecoming distractedTopping the story (saying that reminds me of the time...)Forgetting what was said in the pastAsking about unimportant detailsFocusing too much on details and missing the big pictureIgnoring what you dont understandDaydreamingOnly pretending to pay attention Benefits of Active Listening Relationships Active listening has many benefits. It allows you to understand the point of view of another person and respond with empathy. It also allows you to ask questions to make sure you understand what is being said. Finally, it validates the speaker and makes them want to speak longer.?? Its not hard to see how this type of listening would benefit relationships. Being an active listener in a relationship means that you recognize that the conversation is more about your partner than about you. This is especially important when a relationship partner is distressed. Your ability to listen actively to a partner going through a difficult time is a valuable skill. In addition, active listening helps relationships in that you will be less likely to jump in with a quick fix when the other person really just wants to be heard. Work Active listening at work is particularly important if you are in a supervisory position or must deal with colleagues. Active listening allows you to understand problems and collaborate to develop solutions. It also reflects your patience, a valuable skill in any workplace. Social Situations In social situations, active listening will benefit you as you meet new people. Asking questions, seeking clarification, and watching body language are all ways to learn more about the people whom you meet. When you listen actively, the other person is also likely to speak to you for a longer time. This makes active listening one of the best ways to turn acquaintances into friends. Tips for Practicing Active Listening The following tips will help you to become a better active listener: Make eye contact while the other person speaks. In general, you should aim for eye contact about 60-70% of the time while you are listening. Lean toward the other person, and nod your head occasionally. Avoid folding your arms as this signals that you are not listening.Instead of offering unsolicited advice or opinions, simply paraphrase what has been said. You might start this off by saying In other words, what you are saying is....Do not interrupt while the other person is speaking. Do not prepare your reply while the other person speaks; the last thing that he or she says may change the meaning of what has already been said.In addition to listening to what is said, watch nonverbal behavior to pick up on hidden meaning. Facial expressions, tone of voice, and other behaviors can sometimes tell you more than words alone.While listening, shut down your internal dialogue. Avoid daydreaming. It is impossible to attentively listen to someone else and your own internal voice at the same t ime.Show interest by asking questions to clarify what is said. Ask open-ended questions to encourage the speaker. Avoid closed yes-or-no questions that tend to shut down the conversation.Avoid abruptly changing the subject; it will appear that you were not listening to the other person.As you listen, be open, neutral, and withhold judgment and stereotypes.Be patient while you listen. We are capable of listening much faster than others can speak.Learn to recognize active listening. Watch television interviews and observe whether the interviewer is practicing active listening. Learn from the mistakes of others. Example of Active Listening Below is an example of active listening. Lisa: Im sorry to dump this on you, but I had a fight with my sister and we havent spoken since. Im upset and dont know who to talk to. Jodie: No problem! Tell me more about what happened? Lisa: Well, we were arguing about what to do for our parents anniversary. Im still so angry. Jodie: Oh thats tough. You must feel upset that youre not speaking because of it. Lisa: Yes, she just makes me so angry. She assumed I would help her plan this elaborate partyâ€"I dont have time! Its like she couldnt see things from my perspective at all. Jodie: Wow, thats too bad. How did that make you feel? Lisa: Frustrated. Angry. Maybe a bit guilty that she had all these plans and I was the one holding them back. Finally, I told her to do it without me. But thats not right either. Jodie: Sounds complicated. I bet you need some time to sort out how you feel about it. Lisa: Yes, I guess I do. Thanks for listening, I just needed to vent. Research on Active Listening In a 2011 study, it was found that active listening was primarily associated with verbal social skills rather than nonverbal skills,?? suggesting that being an active listener has more to do with being an effective conversational partner rather than an ability to regulate nonverbal and emotional communication. What does this mean if you live with social anxiety? People who are active and empathic listeners are good at initiating and maintaining conversations. If you develop your active listening skills, you will improve your conversational ability??â€"however, dont expect that to help reduce any symptoms of anxiety you normally feel. You will need to address your anxiety separately, through therapy or another form of treatment, in order for your active listening skills to shine through. How Poor Communication Causes Stress What If Someone Isnt Actively Listening? What if you are the one speaking and the other person isnt being an active listener? All of us have been in a situation where the person listening to us was distracted or disinterested. Below are some tips to help you with this situation. Find a topic that interests you both. This works particularly well during small talk as you try to get to know one another.Model good listening skills yourself. Instead of trying to speak to someone who just isnt a good listener, become the listener yourself. In doing so, you might help that person learn how to become a better listener.Exit the conversation if its clear the other person is only interested in hearing himself speak. A Word From Verywell Active listening is an important social skill that has value in a variety of social settings. Practice this skill often and it will become easier for you. If you find it hard to engage in active listening, consider whether there might be something getting in the way, such as social anxiety or problems with inattention. If you regularly find yourself unable to listen effectively, you might benefit from social skills training or reading a self-help book on interpersonal skills. An Overview of Social Skills Training
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Corruption Of The American Dream - 1516 Words
Corruption of the American Dream The American Dream can be understood by many people to mean many different things. Even with various meanings, to the greater part of people, it is to be happy, wealthy and successful in life; however money does not always led to happiness. You can always buy things that satisfy your want, when you have large amount of money. This stuff will make you happy for a short amount of time, but after the consumer may become uninterested with having everything he/she could possibly ever want. This is just one of the ways the characters in the novel, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald are by the deceptive representation of the American Dream. The accurate meaning of the American Dream is missing from the characters like Jay Gatsby, Tom Buchanans, Myrtle Wilson, and Daisy Buchanans in the novel, and leads them to the disgrace of their life to acquire its illusionary purpose. For Gatsby, the understanding of the dream is that through wealth and power, one can obtain happiness. In the course of the position that wealth is connected with, he can live the lavish life he feels is essential to win the love of Daisy. He is so objective on getting Daisy it seems he will do anything to win her love; including doing illegal stuff to get wealth: I thought you inherited your money. I did, old sport, he said automatically, but I lost most of it in the big panic – the panic of the war. I think he hardly knew what he was saying, for when I asked him whatShow MoreRelatedThe Corruption Of The American Dream956 Words  | 4 Pages2017 The Corruption of the American Dream F. Scott Fitzgerald portrays the American Dream as a set of goals that included freedom, settlement, and an honest life with the possibility of social and economic success earned through hard work, but was corrupted and degraded by the egotistical materialism of the 1920s. Fitzgerald, in The Great Gatsby, aims to discredit the supposed purity of the American Dream and belief that anyone can attain it through hard work. Instead, he argues that the dream is aRead MoreThe Corruption Of The American Dream1835 Words  | 8 PagesNo: 141124 Date: 29/01/2016 THE CORRUPTION OF THE AMERICAN DREAM. The universal characterization of American dream is that, in the country, whichever person wants to be successful will be successful due to self-improvement which can be attained by working hard and proper utilisation of the available resources, adding up with providential circumstances. The Great ‘Gatsby’ emerges out as a personification of the American dream of self-made triumph, growing up from being a poor farmRead MoreEssay about Corruption of the American Dream1127 Words  | 5 PagesCorruption of the American Dream The Great Gatsby is a novel based off of the American dream, which is something that everyone strives for. The author of the book F. Scott Fitzgerald has his own American dream to become a well known writer, and to have the girl of his dreams, and throughout the novel this dream reflected in The Great Gatsby within in the characters Gatsby and Daisy. Fitzgerald had developed the character Gatsby by incorporating some of his own dreams. For example Gatsby hasRead MoreThe Great Gatsby : The Corruption Of The American Dream1771 Words  | 8 PagesThe Great Gatsby: The Corruption of the American Dream The Great Gatsby may appear as a novel containing dramatic, twisted relationships; however, the main theme has to do with the culture of the 1920s, and how it leads to the downfall of the American Dream. The 1920s were an age of change: politically and socially. The nation’s wealth nearly doubled, leading many Americans into a prosperous society, while others experienced extreme poverty (The Roaring). People began performing, women wore flapperRead MoreThe Corruption of the American Dream in Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby1345 Words  | 6 PagesFitzgerald portrays the American Dream, originally a set of goals that included freedom, settlement, and an honest life with the possibility of upward social and economic mobility earned through hard work, as corrupted and debased by the egotistic materialism of the 1920s, an era which Fitzgerald characterizes chiefly by its greed and lavish hedonism, in his celebrated novel The Great Gatsby. Fitzgerald, in The Great Gatsby, s eeks to discredit the supposed purity of the American Dream and belief that anyoneRead MoreEssay on The Great Gatsby: The Corruption of the American Dream1010 Words  | 5 Pageswhich he popularized the concept of The American Dream. In this book he stated â€Å"The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and once that phrase was written, The American Dream became what we truly know it as nowadays. It is the right of freedom, prosperity, equality and pursuit of happiness through hard work. However, The American Dream is an ironic concept seeing as it neverRead MoreThe Great Gatsby - Corruption of the American Dream Essay1913 Words  | 8 PagesGreat Gatsby is a novel about the corruption of the American Dream. How far would you agree with this statement? The American Dream is fundamentally the idea that anyone in America can accomplish through hard work and can achieve success and happiness. It has been expanded on through the years and now incorporates ideas of attaining freedom, wealth and power. In the 1920s when The Great Gatsby was written the Jazz Age was taking hold and the American Dream became more about material possessionsRead MoreEssay on The Corruption of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby1302 Words  | 6 Pagesjustify their actions, and it is what everyone longs for. This theme is better known as the American dream.The Great Gatsby is representative of the American dream in multiple ways. There are some aspects of the novel that symbolize the overall corruption of the American dream; there are others that signify the love of wealth, and the division of rich and poor. What exactly is the American dream? The American dream can be described as an idea, a concept, and a way of life. It can even be described asRead MoreThe Great Gatsby Displaying the Corruption of the American Dream742 Words  | 3 PagesThe Great Gatsby: The Corruption of the American Dream In the 1920’s many people left their countries to come to America seeking for the American dream. The American Dream meant being successful and happy. Many people started to learn that they couldn’t find that happiness without the money. In Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, the characters based their lives off of wealth and materialism, forgetting what the real idea of the American dream was. Throughout the story, Daisy, Gatsby and MyrtleRead MoreBroken Dreams and Fallen Themes: the Corruption of the American Dream in the Great Gatsby1477 Words  | 6 PagesBroken Dreams and Fallen Themes In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald employs the use of characters, themes, and symbolism to convey the idea of the American Dream and its corruption through the aspects of wealth, family, and status. In regards to wealth and success, Fitzgerald makes clear the growing corruption of the American Dream by using Gatsby himself as a symbol for the corrupted dream throughout the text. In addition, when portraying the family the characters in Great Gatsby are used to expose
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of Ready Player One By Ernst Cline - 1340 Words
Ready Player One, by Ernst Cline – Extended text, novel Ready Player One, written by Ernst Cline, is a novel that explores a dystopian future where overpopulation and overconsumption of resources has caused a huge decrease in the general quality of life. Many peoples only escape from the harsh reality of the world is a virtual reality simulation known as the OASIS. Players can create their own avatars and explore a seemingly endless virtual world, all of which is online with other players. This software allows interaction between everyone connected, and has become the mainstream form of media in this bleak future. The creator of this software, James Halliday, dies at the beginning of the novel, and leaves his fortunes hidden in the OASIS.†¦show more content†¦This is done in order to save space, and is a great example of Cline displaying the dystopia of the world displayed in the book in an indirect manner. While people generally view the future as some utopic society where flying cars are the common means of transport, we hardly picture a reality where water levels are rising and overpopulation is reaching an unstable level, where the disparity between the rich and the poor becomes even clearer. This helps me to have the realization that many people are unaware of the detrimental effects of things that we consider â€Å"normal†on our earth. For example, billions of people use vehicles which are energy inefficient, and release toxic carbon emissions into the atmosphere. The fear that I feel when reading about such a bleak future, helped me to realize that to survive we must change as a society. This is relevant to our current society because global warming and over-population are currently very real issues that have no foreseeable solution other than a population that produces less waste, and is generally more sustainable. The underlying theme of Ready Player One is the power of technology. My response to this theme is excitement. In the text, technology gives people the power to assume another identity in a completely different reality. The technology described in the text, closely mirrors the ambitions of the virtual reality products currently on the market. This excites me, as it leads me to believe that we are veryShow MoreRelatedMr Zhang42340 Words  | 170 Pages- To provide a means for improving the writing skills of students. From all reports, accounting majors too often leave college lacking in the basic ability to compose and construct sentences and paragraphs. Accounting and auditing (especially as one moves up in an organization) obviously require skills other than the purely quantitative. Memos, reports, footnotes, audit and accounting guides, etc., all require accountants and auditors to be effective communicators of the written word. Indeed
Engineering Education in Ghana Free Essays
string(120) " is besides really important to forestall high traffic countries in schoolroom designs, such as waste basket countries\." 2.2.4 Education Education serves as an engine for economic growing through the accretion of human capital. We will write a custom essay sample on Engineering Education in Ghana or any similar topic only for you Order Now Education is strongly associated with boosting degrees of societal capital ( Campbell, 2006 ) . the act or procedure of leaving or geting general cognition, developing the powers of concluding and judgement, and by and large of fixing oneself or others intellectually for mature life (, 2014 ) . 2.2.5 ENGINEERING Education Engineering instruction is the activity of learning cognition and rules related to the professional pattern of technology. It includes the initial instruction for going an applied scientist and any advanced instruction and specialisations that follow. Engineering instruction is typically accompanied by extra scrutinies and supervised preparation as the demands for a professional technology licence. 2.3 Technology Education IN GHANA OVER THE YEARS Engineering instruction in the so Gold Coast dates back to the 1930’s. In August 1931, the Colonial Government requested Achimota College in Accra to form an technology class to develop Africans for senior assignments in the Public Works Department, the railroads and subsequently, the mines. The class, which was based on the external grade course of study of the University of London, consisted of four and a half old ages of survey at Achimota, followed by between three and four old ages of structured post-graduation practical preparation. Initially, the class offered at Achimota led to grades in electrical, mechanical and civil technology, but with the enlargement of activities in the excavation sector in the Gold Coast, it became necessary for the School to spread out its class offerings to include excavation technology. In malice of the troubles it experienced, the Achimota Engineering School managed to turn out a sum of 25 applied scientists before the start of the Second W orld War compelled it to close down. These applied scientists were to play cardinal functions in the immediate post-independence development of Ghana and besides served in other African states every bit good as working for international bureaus. With the constitution of the University College of the Gold Coast in Legon, Accra in 1948, university instruction was phased out of the Achimota College campus. Unfortunately, no proviso was made for the transportation of the technology classs to the new University College, therefore the preparation of applied scientists was interrupted between 1948 and 1952 when a School of Engineering was once more established as portion of the new Kumasi College of Technology and the equipment, and some staff of the Achimota Engineering School transferred to Kumasi to organize the karyon of the new school. From 1952 to 1955, the School of Engineering prepared its pupils for rank of the assorted Professional Institutions in the United Kingdom. The formal p reparation of alumnus applied scientists of assorted specialisations commenced in 1955 in particular relationship with the University of London and pupils were prepared to take Partss I, II and III of the University of London Bachelor of Science ( Engineering ) External grade scrutinies. The first professional applied scientists produced by the Kumasi School of Engineering, who were all civil applied scientists, graduated with the university of London External B.Sc. ( Eng. ) grade in June 1959. The School of Engineering began to present its ain technology grades in June 1964. 2.3.1 Technology Education FOR NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Relevance of technology plans to the demands of industry has sometimes been interpreted as a state of affairs in which the merchandises of an technology plan are to be trained to be of immediate usage to industry after small or no post-graduation preparation. Pressures, hence, be given to be put on African technology modules to cut down on the content of the theoretical facets of their classs in favour of vocational facets – force per unit areas which are, in bend, frequently ferociously resisted by technology pedagogues. Yet, technology plans in African Universities stand to derive enormously when there is active co-operation between technology pedagogues and the chief consumers of technology work force based on common regard and clear grasp of the functions of the assorted stakeholders. It is besides anticipated that the technological spread between the developed and the underdeveloped universe will go even wider in the twenty-first Century, therefore, doing technology prepa ration even more situation-specific. This will intend that Ghana will hold to depend even more on her national establishments for the preparation of the technology work force relevant to their development demands. It will, hence, be necessary for the professional associations and the preparation establishments in Africa to co-operate even more closely in specifying the content of the technology course of study of the twenty-first Century. 2.4 DESIGNING AN ENGINEERING SCHOOL 2.4.1CONDUSIVE TEACHING Environment To forestall the assorted jobs pupils and lectors face in the schoolroom, it is of import to set into consideration the agreement of the schoolroom. Savage 2009 indicates that, the physical agreement of schoolrooms plays a prima function in the character defining of pupils and goes a long manner in bettering the academic public presentation of pupils. If a schoolroom is non good designed, it affects the end product of pupils, hence hindering on the intent for which talks are intended. The research on schoolroom environments suggests that schoolrooms should be organized to suit a assortment of activities throughout the twenty-four hours and to run into the teacher’s instructional ends ( Savage, 1999 ; Weinstein, 1992 ) . The criterions for finding what spacial lay-out is most appropriate to carry through these maps include: ways to maximise the teacher’s ability to see and be seen by all his or her pupils ; ease easiness of motion throughout the schoolroom ; minimize dis tractions so that pupils are best able to actively prosecute in faculty members ; supply each pupil and the instructor with his or her ain personal infinite ; and guaranting that each pupil can see presentations and stuffs posted in the schoolroom. Seating agreement in talk halls are really important since it indicates whether there will be societal exchanges in the category is task behaviorally delighting. It is besides really important to forestall high traffic countries in schoolroom designs, such as waste basket countries. You read "Engineering Education in Ghana" in category "Essay examples" Critically, it is really of import that, pupils have a clear position of the lector at every point in clip ( Quin et al. , 2000 ) . In making so, the lector should besides be giving freedom in his motion through the talk room or schoolroom. There is some grounds that it is utile to restrict ocular and audile stimulation that may deflect pupils with attending and behaviour jobs ( Bettenhause n, 1998 ; Cummings, Quinn et al. , 2000 ) . The physical agreement of the schoolroom can function as a powerful setting event for supplying pupils effectual direction and facilitate ( or inhibit ) positive instruction or learning interactions. As with other facets of direction, the physical agreement of the schoolroom should be brooding of the diverse cultural and lingual features of the pupils and be consistent with specific scholar demands. 2.4.2 STAIRWAYS Stairwaies are seen as connections between at least two different degrees. Vertical risers and horizontal paces are connected to stairss over a incline. It can besides be defined as a system of stairss by which people and objects may go through from one degree of a edifice to another. One of the most critical parts of school traffic design is the staircase, which should be located in relation to the inclusive traffic form, maintaining in head burden distribution, safety, finish of pupils between periods and riddance of cross traffic. The staircases should be designed for unsophisticated, fast, and safe motion of male childs and misss. Stairways non merely supply entree to and from assorted floor degrees, but they are used at every period for the perpendicular circulation of pupils altering categories. It is of import that staircases should be designed to guarantee that male childs and misss with books under their weaponries may walk side by side to avoid congestion ; a breadth of 4 p ess 8 inches to 5 pess between bannisters is recommended. Stairwaies should be of fireproof building, taking straight to the out-of-doorss. They should be equipped with smoke-control installations, dividing the stairwells from the corridors which they serve. 2.4.3 Corridor A well-designed school has corridors that accommodate the free and informal motion of pupils. The narrow corridor normally requires formal, regimented, and supervised traffic flow. The walls of corridors should be free of all projections. Heat units, imbibing fountains, fire asphyxiators, cabinets, doors, and show instances should be recessed in the involvement of pupil safety. Acoustic belongingss are desirable to cut down hall noise. Corridors should be good lighted, with exigency proviso in the event of chief power failure. Floor covering should be lasting, nonskid, and easy to keep. The maximal length of unbroken corridors should non transcend 150 pess to 200 pess longer subdivisions give an unwanted position. 2.5 FORMAL SPACES 2.5.1 CLASSROOMS Classrooms have comparatively straightforward demands: line of sight, good acoustics, and a focal point at the forepart of the room helping as the platform for instructors to talk. Physical restraints such as the ability of pupils to turn around in their seats, can restrict the success of a designed schoolroom infinite. The room may be designed for pupil coaction. Seatings may be arranged in mated rows with specially design chairs that allow pupils to confront each other for coaction. Apart from the schoolroom and formal infinites, educational establishments are besides designed with the proviso of informal infinites in head. 2.5.2 Offices The finding of whether an office or cell will be assigned is based on an person ‘s occupation description and place within the organisation. Factors such as confidentiality or security demands, figure of employees supervised and particular equipment demands will be evaluated. Offices should be placed near the inside nucleus infinite. This increases the incursion of natural visible radiation into the edifice. When it is impractical to turn up offices near the inside nucleus, door running lights and borrowed visible radiations should be considered to convey daytime into the interior infinites. Translucent glazing such as frosted or patterned glass can be used if there is a ocular privateness demand. Offices located in the inside of the edifice infinite should be provided with a door or running light assembly or a borrowed visible radiation ( interior window ) in at least one wall at a tallness above the finished floor that allows ocular privateness while conveying visible radiati on from the exterior. 2.6 REQUIREMENTS OF LECTURE HALL SPACES ( The followers demands of a schoolroom design have been taken from the â€Å"University of Maryland, Baltimore County General Lecture Hall Design Guidelines, and Revised August 25, 2000 ) . Physical Access and Movement – The design shall take into history the flow of pupils both in and out of the infinite and within the infinite every bit good as the demand for the teacher to travel about in the forepart of the room. 1. Sufficient infinite is needed near the forepart of the room for puting up audiovisual equipment, such as projection screens and charts. 2. Ceilings should be a upper limit of 9.5 pess high. 3. Light from Windowss should, if possible, come over a student ‘s left shoulder. No lector should be required to confront the Windowss when turn toing the category from the normal teaching place. 4. Ceilings and/or walls should be acoustically treated. 5. Floors should hold a cushioning stuff. 6. The schoolroom should hold as quiet a location as possible, off from noisy out-of-door countries. Ease of entree to specialise installations outside the academic unit should be ensured. 2.6.1 DOORS The flow of pupils should be the major factor in finding the location of entrywaies. Entrances should be located to avoid pupil traffic go throughing through non-instructional countries. In add-on, big Numberss of pupils going in corridors and hallways can bring forth unwanted noise. In finding the size of entrywaies and issues, constructing codifications should non be the lone standard. The flow of pupils in and out of suites can hold a major impact on size of entrywaies and issues. The design of entrywaies, issues, stepss, corridors, and exterior waies should take into history between-class pupil traffic. For illustration, it is non realistic to presume that a room will be wholly vacant when pupils begin geting for the following category. Provision should hence be made for vision panels in entryway doors. They could be tinted. Besides, proviso should be made for door Michigans to protect the wall surface. 2.6.2 FLOOR, WALLS AND CEILINGS In smaller schoolrooms, it is common to utilize vinyl composing tile or rug. Rug should be provided in all suites unless subject particular related classs dictate otherwise. The ceiling tallness is another of import consideration when planing the infinite. For illustration, because a projection screen must be big plenty to expose images of equal size, it must be placed high plenty from the floor to supply unobstructed sight lines. This normally requires a ceiling tallness higher than the standard eight pess. 2.6.3 NOISE CONTROL Other of import factors must be considered in the design. To avoid the noise generated by their operation and usage, peddling machines must be located as far off as possible. Trash and recycling containers should be located near the peddling machines. Restrooms and imbibing fountains should be located nearby and should be designed to manage pupil usage between categories. To forestall unwanted noise transmittal, public toilets should non portion common walls, floors, or ceilings with instructional infinites How to cite Engineering Education in Ghana, Essay examples
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Syphilis Essays - Syphilis, Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Health
Syphilis Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the spiral bacteria called Treponema pallidum. Syphilis consists of three main stages, primary stage, secondary stage, and latent stage. The latent stage may lead to a final stage called the tertiary stage. There are many cures to syphilis, and it is virtually eliminated from today's society. There are a few ways to contract the disease, all of which can be prevented. The primary stage of syphilis is characterized by a small lesion, called a chancre, which resembles a pimple, blister or open sore. This occurs anytime between nine days and three months after infection. Fluid from the chancre is extremely infectious, but usually painless. Normally it appears on the genitals or near where the bacteria entered the body. It often hides and many people never realize that it is there. On women, the sore can be found hidden in the vagina or the folds of the labia. On men, it usually hides in the folds of the foreskin, under the scrotum, or near the base of the penis. Men more often than women will also have swollen lymph nodes in the groin. At this stage, the chancre is very infectious. It will heal with or without treatment, but the bacteria will remain and begin to spread if untreated. In the secondary stage, occurring about six weeks later, a generalized rash appears. It can last for weeks or months, perhaps up to a year. Painless ulcers develop in the mouth. Most people discover raised areas around the genitals or anus. The bacteria can be easily spread through mucous patches on the raised areas, which are called condylomalata. Flu-like symptoms start to occur, and can come and go for years. These symptoms may include a rash (over entire body or just on palms of hands and soles of feet), a sore in the mouth, swollen and painful joints, aching bones, and a mild fever or headache. These symptoms usually disappear in 3 to 12 weeks. Some people even experience hair loss during the secondary stage of syphilis. The disease then enters a latent stage in which no outward signs or symptoms occur, however, the bacteria are active inside your body, multiplying and attacking internal organs. The latent stage can last from 20 to 30 years. When second stage symptoms completely disappear, the disease is no longer infectious. At this point, the "rule of thirds" comes into play. Among the total number of latent syphilis cases, one-third will go away on their own, one-third will stabilize, and one-third of the cases will evolve to the next and last stage. When the final stage, tertiary syphilis, does occur, it could be fatal. It may produce hard nodules, called gummas, in the tissues under the skin, the mucous membranes, and the internal organs. The bones are also affected, as well as the liver, kidney, and other visceral organs. Infection of the heart and major blood vessels accounts for most of the syphilis related deaths. A special kind of syphilis, which occurs in nearly 15 percent of the tertiary cases, is called neurosyphilis. It causes lack of muscular coordination, loss of urinary control, and degeneration of the reflexes. It also may cause pregnancy problems, including miscarriage, stillbirth, or to the birth of a child with congenital syphilis. Infected children often have typical signs, such as high forehead, saddlenose, and peg-shaped teeth. Syphilis can be diagnosed and treated with relative ease. Because of this, the past twenty-five years or so have seen a marked decline in the number of tertiary stage cases of syphilis and of deaths due to the disease. Syphilis is mostly treated by an injection of penicillin, or by a two-week regimen of tetracycline. Two follow-up blood tests two weeks apart from the initial test and two weeks apart from each other are needed to ensure the treatment was effective. The first three stages of syphilis are completely curable, and even in the last stage syphilis can be stopped. With the present medical technology to diagnose and treat syphilis, there is no excuse for anyone in the U.S. to suffer the last stage of syphilis. Alternatives to penicillin are necessary because many people are allergic to penicillin and in some people it is not effective in treating syphilis. Early detection of syphilis disables the disease completely. In pregnant women, early detection of the infection can reduce the chances of the fetus becoming infected. Syphilis is sexually a transmitted disease, and is usually transmitted by sexual contact or kissing. The way it infects is from
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
The Greek God Poseidon, Lord of the Sea, Neptune
The Greek God Poseidon, Lord of the Sea, Neptune The mighty Earthshaker, Poseidon ruled the waves that the ancient seafaring Greeks depended upon. Fisherman and sea captains swore fealty to him and avoided his wrath; the sea gods persecution of the hero Odysseus was well known, and few wished to wander so far and so long before finding their home port. In addition to his influence over the seas, Poseidon was responsible for earthquakes, striking the ground with his trident, a three-pronged spear, to awesomely devastating effect. Birth of Poseidon Poseidon was the son of the titan Cronos and brother to the Olympian gods Zeus and Hades. Cronos, fearful of a son who would overthrow him as he vanquished his own father Ouranos, swallowed each of his children as they were born. Like his brother Hades, he grew up inside the bowels of Cronos, until the day when Zeus tricked the titan into vomiting up his siblings. Emerging victorious after the ensuing battle, Poseidon, Zeus and Hades drew lots to divide up the world they had gained. Poseidon won dominion over the waters and all its creatures. Alternate Greek myths suggest that Poseidons mother, Rhea, transformed him into a stallion to stymie Cronos appetite. It was in the form of a stallion that Poseidon pursued Demeter, and fathered a foal, the horse Areion. Poseidon and the Horse Oddly for the god of the sea, Poseidon is deeply associated with horses. He created the first horse, introduced riding and chariot racing to mankind, and rides above the waves in a chariot drawn by horses with golden hooves. In addition, some of his many children are horses: the immortal Areion and the winged horse Pegasus, which was the son of Poseidon and the gorgon Medusa. Myths of Poseidon The brother of Zeus and Greek god of the sea figures in many myths. Perhaps the most notable are those related by Homer in the Iliad and Odyssey, where Poseidon emerges as a foe of the Trojans, champion of the Greeks and dire enemy of the hero Odysseus. The Greek gods antipathy toward the wily Odysseus stems is kindled by the mortal wound that the hero deals to Polyphemus the Cyclops, a son of Poseidon. Again and again, the sea god conjures winds that keep Odysseus away from his home in Ithaca. A second notable story involves the contest between Athena and Poseidon for the patronage of Athens. The goddess of wisdom made a more compelling case to the Athenians, giving them the gift of the olive tree while Poseidon created the horse. Finally, Poseidon figures prominently in the story of the Minotaur. Poseidon gave to King Minos of Crete a fantastic bull, intended for sacrifice. The king couldnt part with the beast, and in anger, Poseidon caused the princess Pasiphae to fall in love with the bull, and to birth the legendary half-bull, half-man called the Minotaur. Poseidon Fact File Occupation: God of the Sea Attributes of Poseidon: The symbol for which Poseidon is best known is the trident. Poseidon is often shown alongside his wife Amphitrite in a sea chariot drawn by sea creatures. The Inferiority of Poseidon:Poseidon asserts equality with Zeus in the Iliad, but then defers to Zeus as king. By some accounts Poseidon is older than Zeus and the one sibling Zeus didnt have to rescue from his father (the power leverage Zeus usually used with his siblings). Even with Odysseus, who had ruined his son Polyphemus life, Poseidon behaved in a less fearsome manner than might be expected of an enraged Sturm und Drang kind of god. In the challenge for patronage of the polis of Athens, Poseidon lost to his niece Athena, but then worked cooperatively with her as in the Trojan War where they try to thwart Zeus with Heras help. Poseidon and Zeus:Poseidon may have had an equal claim to the title of King of the Gods, but Zeus is the one who took it. When the Titans made the thunderbolt for Zeus, they made the trident for Poseidon.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Shakespeares Ultimate Valentines Day Poem
Shakespeares Ultimate Valentines Day Poem Are you looking for the most romantic Valentine’s Day poem ever? Then look no further than Shakespeare’s greatest, most heart-tingling sonnet. It’s perfect for a Valentine’s Day poem! We are of course talking about Sonnet 18: Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day? ... considered by many to be the greatest love poem ever written. Sonnet 18: The Ultimate Valentines Day Poem The sonnet’s reputation is well deserved because of Shakespeare’s ability to capture the essence of love so cleanly and succinctly in only 14 lines. He compares his lover to a beautiful summer’s day and realizes that while summer days may fade and fall into Autumn, his love is eternal. It will last all year round – year in, year out – hence the famous opening lines of the poem: Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summers lease hath all too short a date: (...) But thy eternal summer shall not fade. Why not copy out the full text from the link below and leave it under a loved one’s pillow this Valentine’s Day? Here are the only two links you need this Valentine’s Day: Sonnet 18 - Read the full textSonnet 18 – A study guide to help you better understand the poem If you are looking for something shorter, then our list of the top 10 Shakespeare love quotes will surely set your heart aflutter.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Reflections on Federal Welfare Policy - Week 3 - Journal Coursework
Reflections on Federal Welfare Policy - Week 3 - Journal - Coursework Example The federal government further governs the unemployment insurance, a program that provides unemployed individuals with a source of income for about 26 weeks. I believe the policies are effective in eradicating poverty thereby creating a desirable society for every American. Labor relations remain contentious issues with the country lacking a holistic federal policy to govern the compensation of workers. The unpredictable labor relations are likely to affect my social welfare when should I migrate from one state to another. Despite such, I believe that the governments are doing their best in providing the populace with a better living condition. Such policies as the No child left behind act and the Obama care have for example succeeded in reducing the costs of education and health care, two of the most important yet equally costly social requirements. This way, the public enjoys lower costs of living (Meier & Wood, 2004). Furthermore, the social security act safeguards the future of Americans after retirement thereby ensuring that every citizen enjoys a comfortable life. This week’s readings have exposed me to a number of policies thus reinforcing my belief that the government is doing enough to safeguard the social security of the
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Live Scan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Live Scan - Term Paper Example These services are generally required by the police department to keep records and track criminals. This service has also been used in airports throughout to quickly get the details of passengers and immigrants. This service is however also utilized by universities and other departments for checking employee records before employments. This information to these departments is usually available through Department of Justice (DOJ). Live scan uses the advanced digital photography methods to capture the images of fingerprints. For this the person needs to press his or her fingers on a screen or scanner. The image is scanned, captured and stored in electronic form on computer databases. Thus the whole process is somewhat similar to the scanning of documents in a scanner and storing the captured images on the computer in the form of a file. Scanning fingerprints however needs some special type of scanners. As these scans are stored in computers, it becomes easy to analyze the fingerprints without much hassle. These can be then shared with any departments around the world as it is easy to send the files through computer networks. "Live scan instruments must be able to collect fingerprints from a wide cross section of people-including those with very fine, worn, scarred or cracked fingerprint ridges and varying degrees of skin moisture content." (Cross Match Technologies, 2007). Most of the instruments provide scans for well ridged fingerprints giving very low quality scans for people with dry skin and other problems. This makes it very difficult to identify such fingerprints. Younger people are well suited for live scan fingerprints as they generally have healthy skin with no such problems to hinder the fingerprinting process. For people with too dry or too moist skin there is a problem in capturing the scans. For this purpose silicone membranes have been developed which are in the form of transparent sheets. These sheets are kept on the screen of the instrument and fingers are pressed against the sheet. This membrane helps in enhancing ridges of the fingers thereby providing well defined scans for people wi th varied moisture content in their skin. There is another problem faced by these instruments and that is of very high volume scans due to which the fingerprints often get mixed up. This problem is also addressed by these silicone membranes. The membranes last for very long and when they need replacement it is very easy to peel them off and place a new one without taking any time. Other advantages include the protection of the capturing screen of the instrument as the membrane is placed on it. Another it is very easy to clean the membrane once it gets dirty. There is no need of application of any liquid or special cloth to clean it. It is done simply by placing a tape on it so that the dirt or any oils, etc. stick to it and get away making the membrane ready to be used again. Although most of the instruments use optical scanning technique in live scan systems, there have been recent developments in this field prompting the use of ultrasonic technique for the same. The fingerprints using ultrasonic systems have been seen to be of better quality than the optical ones. The ultrasonic technique again addresses the same problems of varied moisture c
Friday, January 24, 2020
Character Analysis Of Kino From the Pearl :: essays research papers
Kino, a character from the story "The Pearl," is a prime example of a developing character. From the start through to the end, he develops drastically. At the beginning, he was thought out to be a good loyal husband but as time went on he became a selfish, greedy person who would do anything for money.When the story began Kino seemed to be a good husband who wanted nothing more than to be able to support his family. After a scorpion had stung Coyotito, Kino prayed that he would find a pearl not to become a rich man but so that he could pay the doctor to heal the baby, as he would not work free.After Kino had spent long hard hours searching the ocean floor, he finally found the pearl he had worked for. At first when he found it, he only wanted to pay the doctor to cure Coyotito. However as time passed he began to think of all the things that he could acquire with the money form the pearl and began to develop greed and selfishness. When people asked him what he would buy now that he was a rich man, he was quick to list several items that came to his mind. One of these items was a rifle. Kino wanted a rifle because he wanted to show power over the rest of his village.When Kino took the pearl to the pearl buyers to sell, he was offered one thousand pesos. Kino declined that offer claiming that his pearl was "The Pearl of the World." By reacting in such a manner he yet again demonstrates his greed. It is not about saving Coyotito anymore, for he is already feeling well, it is now about the money. Although one thousand pesos was more money than Kino had ever seen he demanded that he would get fifty thousand pesos.Later in the text, Kino discovers Juana trying to destroy the pearl, causing Kino to become very angry, and resulted in him beating her. Although Juana was in very much pain she accepted the beating as if it were a punishment and stayed with Kino. A while later Kino was attacked by another man who wanted the pearl for himself and defended his pearl by killing the man. It is around this point in the story where Kino displays his greatest point of greed and selfishness.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Impact of Special Education in the Society Essay
Filipinos are known to be hospitable in all circumstances, boys or girls, young or old and normal or disabled are alike. In fact, there is a law enacted only for the adjustment of the disabled people to the Philippines society. The Republic Act No. 7277 â€Å"Magna Carta for Disabled Persons†in accordance to it, it is an act providing for the Rehabilitation, Self-Development and Self-Reliance of disabled persons and their integration into the mainstream of society and for other purposes. According to Section 2 of this Law, disabled persons are part of the Philippines society. This proves that there is no gap between disabled and normal people are equal and unbiased. Balance in terms of education, health services,auxiliary social services,telecommunications,accessibility,political and civil rights and employment. If one of the stated laws is violated, there will be a corresponding penalty depending on how the rule is dishonored. This are the notion of the PWD’s in the P hilippine society when it comes to civil liberties. On the other hand, various impolite citizens desert PWD’s in the society. They criticize them by their physical appearances and their handicapped, I have seen many of those scenes in the movies. Nevertheless,today,there are many organizations that are established which aims to help the PWD’s that excels in various sports and arts. Filipinos have strong family ties. Aside from those organizations, the families of the PWD’s that excels in various sports and arts. Filipinos have strong family ties. Aside from those organizations, the families of the PWD’s are also accommodating in supporting their needs. They are the ones who are responsible for the caring and giving of love and affection to the PWD’s so that they will not feel that they are being neglected. Now a days, there are a lot of PWD’s that excels in various sports and arts. This testifies that there are no exceptions in terms of talent identification either normal or disabled. God created man as one, with equal standard of rights. What the normal people can do, PWD ’s are also capable of doing them. I have already seen people with disabilities and abnormalities. When I was in elementary, I have encountered talking to those people or students who were having abnormalities because our school was having a Sped class. I observed how they behave,socialize, work and interact with others. Some students, at times make fun of them and usually laugh at them. And it got me thinking what would it like to be if I were in their shoe? I realized that it’s not that easy. It needs a lot of understanding and patience. To educate a special child needs a lot of patience but for me if we just understand what they are and be optimistic they will learn thing what normal students can learn, there’s a big possibility that the special kid will be educated. We should also accept them whole heartedly. Love them and care for them so that they will not feel neglected. We should treat them equally with the other normal people. Because special children knows and feel that they are being deserted and that should not happen. I have a classmate in the elementary before who is an autistic child. He was very intelligent in math. And because of that observation, I concluded that special children have special talents and knowledge. I believe that they can do what normal people can do. Special education is the way to educate special children what I have learned and what they should learn, to enhance there hidden talents and skills to excel more in other things to compete with those normal people. It is also the way to train them as good citizens and children of God. And also a way for them to know and learn the values of life so that they will know how to respect each other including the normal ones. Through special education, the parents of special children can also learn and get some ideas on how to educate their child from the sped educators because it doesn’t mean the the obligation of the parents is over and all the responsibility is handed to the educator. And through SPED, parents can apply what they have learned from the educator is their homes. because the obligation of the parents is to educate their children until the end. We are in the world of differences, both mentally and physically. But in the eyes of the Almighty God we are one. So the development of special children should be continuously taught with patience, care and love.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Communication Is A Very Intricate Part Of A Successful...
Communication is a very intricate part of a successful strategic plan. Collaboration with the board, executive leaders, management team all the way to front-line staff must be informed what the strategic plan is and how it relates to the mission and vision. The mission, vision, values, goals and objectives of the organization must be organizational-wide dissemination. In order to have an effective and efficient strategic plan one must first select a strategic leader to help decide what their mission and vision will be. â€Å"Strategic leadership involves creating a vision and strategy that helps the organization succeed at its mission in both the short and the long term†(Spath, Abraham, 2014). Communication in the strategic program planning process must cover the strengths and weakness analysis, and the objectives of the organization. It starts with the board members who agree on the plan. Then the executive leaders will communicate to the management team. The management team will communicate to the front-line staff with the goals, mission and values of the organization. This can be done through e-mail or face to face meetings individual or in groups. Communication in the healthcare organization is imperative for collaboration and teamwork of the strategic plan (VanVactor, 2011). The mission is what the organization represents. Why they exist. It stands for who, what and how they serve (Spath, Abraham, 2014). This representation must be known by everyone who works at theShow MoreRelatedWhy The Capital Cycle Affects The Operational Budget1525 Words  | 7 Pagesdiscuss the essential characteristics of a financially successful organization, along with how healthcare managers should apply these traits when operating the capital cycle of their organization. Capital Cycle In order to be a great leader / manager one must understand capital cycle and how to achieve and maintain the organizations components. 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